Dynamic and static lot-sizing procedures in DISKOVER SCO
A small but powerful function of DISKOVER SCO underlines the claim of A&K and SCT to support planners by every trick in the book: All relevant dynamic and static lot-sizing procedures can be used for lot-sizing optimization in daily scheduling.
Even if one can argue about the sense and usefulness of lot-sizing methods such as Andler, Groff or Wagner-Whitin and each model is also subject to restrictions, the individual methods are based on fundamental basic assumptions and provide corresponding facts that the MRP controller can at least use to prepare decisions. For this reason, DISKOVER SCO supports all static and dynamic lot-sizing methods known and accepted in practice. The user can switch between the 14 batch size optimization methods offered in the usual user-friendly way and compare their effects. DISKOVER SCO calculates the lot sizes over the entire planning horizon not statically, but dynamically depending on the procurement volume in the planning horizon. If users regularly consult this function of DISKOVER SCO, they can massively improve their process know-how and make their scheduling decisions more confidently.